Once again this year, Sogeviso partnered as Gold Sponsor in the National Real Estate Servicing Congress whose 4th edition was held on 19 and 20 October at the Goya Theatre in Madrid
Sogeviso took part in the 4th National Real Estate Servicing Congress, organised by CMS Group Europe, which was held at the Teatro Goya in Madrid on 19 and 20 October, and did so by actively participating in two of the debates on the programme.
On Wednesday 19, our General Manager Antoni Sorolla had the honour of moderating the debate entitled “Public-private partnership for effective housing management in Spain”, an event that opened the congress and in which distinguished figures from the public administration and private enterprise took part.
The debate assessed recent public-private partnership projects in the field of housing, such as Plan Vive (Community of Madrid), Habitatge Metròpolis Barcelona (Barcelona Metropolitan Area) and Sareb’s partnership agreements. The importance of ensuring this partnering between the parties in order to achieve more housing in the shortest possible time and the need for a legal formula to enable such partnering was expressed.
Debate participants:
- David Lucas Parrón, Secretary General for the Urban Agenda and Housing of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.
- José María García Gómez, Deputy Minister of Housing, Planning and Territory of the Regional Ministry of Environment, Housing and Agriculture of the Community of Madrid.
- Ramon M. Torra i Xicoy, Manager of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB).
- Pau Pérez de Acha Beamonte, Director of Affordable and Social Housing and Institutional Relations at Sareb.
- Juan Carlos Álvarez Cortizo, General Manager of Asset Management Business at Servihabitat.
- Paco Campos León, Head of Real Estate at Anticipa Real Estate.

Sogeviso also participated on Thursday 20, on the closing day, in the debate entitled “Impact of squatting on the Real Estate sector in Spain and social rental management as an alternative” in which our Director of Social Impact and Mediation Gemma Feliu took part.
In this second debate, with the presence of Sogeviso, the consequences of squatting were discussed, including the issues it raises for investors, the existence of an unstable legal framework, the damage to owners (degradation of housing, buildings and the environment), the permissiveness of squatting and the overloading of the courts, among others.
Solutions were proposed that include offering housing alternatives to vulnerable families and individuals – differentiating between those who are truly vulnerable and those who are not – and prioritising public-private partnerships to increase the supply of social and affordable rentals. The importance of involving the public sector in the work of reintegrating vulnerable families through Social Services was stressed, and not placing all the responsibility on the private sector alone. All this without neglecting taking deterrent measures in those cases where there is no vulnerability and which are controlled by organised gangs, as well as being able to compensate private owners who suffer the consequences of squatting.
The debate was moderated by María Andreu Plou, Managing Director of ASVAL Association. Accompanying Gemma Feliu were:
- Jesús Alejandro Pérez Amair, Head of Sales, Spain at Finaer Compañía de Garantías, S.L.
- Laura Fernández, General Counsel at Aliseda Inmobiliaria.
- María Aparicio Calzada, Managing Partner at Pactum Abogados.

Sogeviso is pleased to have had the opportunity to express our opinion, based on our experience, on the need to promote public-private partnering in the housing sector in such an important showcase as the National Real Estate Servicing Congress.
We would like to thank the organisers, the other participants and those who attended the event and hope that it was of great interest.
Posters of the debates with the participation of Sogeviso:

© Photographs: CMS Group Europe