News Agreement with the Mobile World Capital Foundation (FMWC) Within the framework of its social contract and job placement programme (JoBS) for vulnerable customers…
News Sogeviso opens a new office in Barcelona. The new Sogeviso office in Barcelona will open on 1 March. A more modern and…
News Affordable Housing Article Xavier Aspachs (Chairman of Sogeviso, February 2021) In Catalonia and Spain, unlike most of the…
News Pathfinder Project Agreement On 12 January 2021, Sogeviso and AYO (Accelerating Youth Opportunities) signed a collaboration agreement for…
News Pathfinder Project Sogeviso has launched the Pathfinder Project aimed at reducing the digital divide of vulnerable families…
News Cerdà Institute Observatory 17.17. The Cerdà Institute in Barcelona promotes this Observatory, which seeks to contribute to the analysis…